Crowd Sourcing Update: New Rewards
Miles, the second engineer in the Astound Sound studios next door, poked his head in the door the other day and told me that Gavin Fish and the Light Harmonic people had struck gold again with their second crowd sourcing campaign for another DAC, processor and headphone amp…this time for a desktop version of the “Geek” that no one has ever heard. Between the previous Geek Kickstarter program and the new “Pulse” desktop version, these guys have preorders for over a $1,000,000 worth of hardware. Is this the sales model of the future? Doesn’t it make more sense to support the people that are making content that will show of the new hardware?
I’ll write an entire post on another campaign that successfully raised over $500,000 for a silent pair of “headphones” that replace your ear buds but work by vibrating the backs of your ears (I highly doubt that these phones will qualify as high-end).
So, it seems like it should be a no brainer to raise a few thousand dollars to help promote the software that plays through these devices. And I can tell you that we’re on our way.
The current level of funding stands at just under $2000. That means we’ve got about $4K left to go. I want to thank all of the folks that have contributed to the effort and gently nudge those of you that feel this site and the positions that I promote are worth supporting at the CES 2014 High Resolution TechZone Showcase. And to encourage you, I’ve very happy to add the following rewards (special thanks to JPLAY):
1. The folks at JPLAY, a maker of high-end, award-winning playback software for PC, have signed on to the Las Vegas program with a discount for all contributors of $15 off the retail price until the 15th of January. Please visit JPLAY Discount
I must admit that being a MAC guy, I haven’t yet checked out their software…but the reviews and friends that I know have assured me that they’re as obsessed with great sound as I am. Here’s a list of features for their software:
– transparent integration with any ASIO-compatible player and ASIO Bridge
– support both 32 and 64-bit OS
– support for DSD over PCM (DoP) standard (DFF & DSF file types)
– bit-perfect WASAPI, KS or ASIO streaming
– four unique playback engines
– StreamerMode*
– full memory playback in JPLAYmini (zero disk I/O)*
– large-page memory support*
– maximum system timer*
– maximal priority scheduling*
– hibernate mode*
– bit-perfect volume control
– throttle mode
– dedicated core mode
– polarity (phase) reversal
* world’s-first features
Download trial version for free from here: Click for free trial
Please read manual for detailed instructions on how to use Click Here
2. Everyone that makes a contribution will receive a digital COUPON for in the amount of $25 to purchase any of the over 1000 albums or tracks available.
This is a great opportunity to support our small effort at better quality downloads AND open and transparent access to information about the tracks that we all purchase in download form. I can assure you that I will take that message to the other high-end vendors and major labels. If we don’t push now the powers that be will assume that we’ve happy with the status quo.
I’ve been busy making preparations for the show. I’ve ordered a single electrical outlet ($176) and draped 6-foot table and chair ($143) in addition to the booth costs. On the plus side, the folks at Sony are making available some of their new HDD machines, a computer and flat panel for use at the show. I’m going to check it out ahead of time.
You can check out the previous post at: Crowd Sourcing My Way To Vegas.
For such a no-BS type of guy, I’m genuinely surprised to see you talk about JPlay. I understand you’re trying to raise funds and are taking help where it makes sense to, but I’d encourage you to take a look at these.
I have received a number of emails and comments regarding JPlay. As I have no personal experience with the merits of this software, I cannot speak to the various issues or concerns. I know that I do appreciate their support for the Las Vegas CES campaign. Perhaps I will have a chance to explore the software but in reality I’m a MAC guy.
jplay is being blocked or called out as a hoax and a scam by JRiver and foobar2000. Both occurred after lengthy threads that revealed the jplay developers knew extremely little about robust PC playback, and cared even less about the scientific method to back up any of their claims. They were even illegally using JRiver and foobar2000 tradmarks and apparently don’t even own the rights to “jplay”. (IP creation in countries that are signatories to the Madrid Protocol automatically gain IP rights upon creation, and the original jplay predates the later jplay by years).
Money is a powerful inducement, but once sold, credibility cannot be regained.
The battles between JRiver and JPlay are not of interest to me. I would expect readers to do their own research and check out both sides of the story.