Music and Audio Guide: First Rewards Update
The holiday weekend is almost over and I’m glad. Of course, it’s wonderful to have our daughter home from San Francisco and spend some time with our oldest son and his lady friend, but the Thanksgiving weekend always has more than a little mayhem as well. The holiday meal merely serves as the launch to a few additional “special” days. My wife and I celebrated our 33rd wedding anniversary yesterday and tomorrow is her birthday as well, which she just happens to share with our youngest son (the one that’s in Zurich for the next year). Friday was also her brother’s birthday and today is her sister’s…go figure what was going on in that Iowa household 60 plus years ago.
Not to mention that I’m typing today’s post from my new corner office. I’ve spent every spare moment of the past four days packing and labeling boxes, moving stuff out of the new space and moving furniture into it. Yesterday evening, my whole body let me know that I’m not a young man anymore. Yet in spite of the various aches and sore muscles, Charlie and I went to the beach this morning and managed a 3-mile jog along the bike path (Thursday we managed 7 and Friday topped 8 miles). However, after another day of lugging file boxes full of power strips, power supplies, and trying to figure out where I’m going to store all of the stuff in the space that will be soon converted into three new studios, I’m toasted.
And the daughter has planned a movie night out…before I take her to the airport first thing in the morning on my way to the university. I’m looking forward to the routine again.
But I made tremendous progress on the space realignment. The space I occupied in the large room is completed empty and I’m in the new small corner office just a few feet away. If I ever have to do this again, I’m going to hire some professionals.
I sent out the first of many Kickstarter surveys this morning and posted an update about the survey emails. Two of the KS rewards have November delivery dates. I don’t want to miss any of the deadlines associated with the Music and Audio: “A User Guide To Better Sound”, so I read up on the next steps…surveys. Apparently, I’m only allowed to send one survey per reward group. The purpose of the surveys is to collect the names and addresses of those people who backed that particular reward.
The two reward groups that I contacted today are getting their pick of five AIX Records album downloads in either stereo or surround. As I explained in the survey, backers who pledged for this reward will get to select what they want and then download them at Each individual will get a unique coupon code, which will zero out the charges (except for the CA state sales tax for residents of the golden state). But I need to know which albums, which audio format, and which mix perspective each person wants in order to calculate the correct discount amount.
So if you get one of the surveys, please promptly answer the questions and return it. I’ll get you the coupons right away.
PS I happened upon a Twit.TV review of the Devialet Phantom DAC/AMP/Speaker today. I didn’t realize how large they are. It’s too large to work as a convenient wireless speaker, IMHO. The Phantom is not a unit that will be moving around very often. And if that’s the case, the high-tech industrial design may not be the best fit for you shelf.
PPS If you missed the KS campaign and would like to preorder the book and disc, just shoot me an email and I’ll give you a call to add your name to the list.
Continue to enjoy your posts. Congrats on the wild success of the KickStarter campaign. I received your email today reminding us about a previous email with a survey. If I did get one previously, I may have inadvertently deleted it. I am embarrassed to say I am not sure what level of “reward” I get, if any, for supporting your campaign. I was so enamored with the notion of the campaign I signed up and didn’t pay much attention afterward. If possible, please send me the survey.
It’s not possible to send a second survey, but here’s the deal. If you look at your reward level and it involved getting 5 AIX Records albums, please let me know.
My sister will be celebrating her 61st birthday tomorrow (November 30th), and her present is still slowly making it’s way through the holiday mail rush. I will have to apologize once again for not having it in time as usual. She is always understanding about these things and doesn’t put a lot of importance on the gift, as she isn’t as materialistic as some might be. She’s a “the thought and remembrance means more” type of person, more prone to giving than receiving. Oh well, better late than never.
Thanks and Happy Birthday to your sister! She’s the same age as my wife.