7 thoughts on “JAS: Additional Information

  • Clearly, we consumers need not just a logo and a standard, we need an independent certifier, ,who controls the issuance of the logo.

  • We have so many organisations with highly paid individuals who are not delivering consistency and provenance while are protecting their own interests. It’s pathetic and transparent.

    Will one of them will step up and be counted?

    (But I’ve also watched too many feel-good hollywood film endings.)

  • What a mess
    By the way – I did not (et) receive an answer to the mail, that I send to the JAS the other day.


  • Sad that there are so few voices in the audio business that can be believed. Everyone is in someone’s pocket. Reminds me of the Chicago and Illinois political machine. 🙂

  • As soon as you disallow analog recordings from the HRA logo, an enormous proportion of pop-rock-type recordings are excluded — even the recent stuff and especially the legendary stuff that sells the best on the recycle-re-release merry-go-round. One can see how distasteful the thought would be to commercially-oriented artists, managers, accountants and executives.

    • This is exactly why the DEG, CEA, NARAS, Qobuz, HDtracks and the major labels have defined things the way they have….to keep all of the classic (can some new) analog recording under the “high-resolution” umbrella. All they really need to do is assure customers that they are delivering “master quality” and leave the high-res thing out of it.


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